IPSUNG is proudly announcing our newest technology as follows;
  • This is one idea Wet-end-type system operating vertically and more effectively.
  • Our wet type system explains our latest and innovative technologies and also our system is
        quite different from any other systems.
  • Characteristics
       - Operating Vertically
       - Shorten cycle time less than 9second
       - Cutting down machinery operating cost
       - Cost effective and competitive
       - High quality molded pulp parts cushioning, presentation, and protective packaging
       - Major Products : 30eggs tray without lid, TV, DVD, Automotive parts, Electronics, Computer
         equipment, Steel coils, Stereo speakers, Glassware, or any practical application

  • Description
    Mold base size (W X L, mm) 1,665mm X 1205mm
    Number of cavity (Typical) 12
    Cycle time (sec) 13~15sec
    Electric requirement about 420Kw(Gas) or 500Kw(Electric)
    Heating Gas or Electric hearth
    Vaccum system Liquid ring vaccum pump
    Control system PLC, Touch screen, CC Link, Eghernet
    Our entire plant can be installed on a conventional flat concrete factory floor and no additional structural provisions are normally required. We work on Turnkey basis with each plant individually tailored to the customer’s specific requirements. All equipments is to be designed, manufactured, and shipped for installation.

      36-7, Samsumun-gil, Jangan-myeon, Hwasung-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
    Phone: 82-31-351-8240  Fax: 82-31-351-8245
    Copyright (c) since 2003 Ipsung Co., Ltd. All right reserved.